Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Final Stretch Back Home

Hi everyone!

Well Convention 2010 has ended and we're on the plane home. Hannah's about 10 rows up from me so she doesn't have me grabbing her wrist all flight haha. Last night was the Final Night Banquet where everyone dressed up really nice and we had a nice steak dinner. The final awards were given to the highest achieving collegiate and alumni chapters. The highest award, the National Council Trophy, was given to.... Baker University in Kansas. Let's go for it next Convention I know we can win it!

It was a crazy, tiring, exciting, and rewarding few days and I'm so happy I was able to be apart of something so special. You guys really have no idea how amazing our organization is, how geographically large it is and how we are connected by the bonds of Alpha Chi. I know that sounds INCREDIBLY cheesy, but really, take a minute and think about it. You might be in a foreign country where you don't know anyone, and all of a sudden some 50 year old woman with her family from Kentucky is there, and you see that she's wearing an Alpha Chi Omega shirt. Instantly you are connected. It's amazing!

Anyways, enough of that. It's time to take a nap. I'm tired and jet lagged and most of all hungry. Everything on the plane costs $6. What's up with that? At least there's free WiFi.

I hope you all have enjoyed our blog, and if any words we wrote or pictures we'll post soon enough have made you realize how special it is to be part of Alpha Chi, I feel like the trip was all worth it.

LITB sistas.

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